BuBu Must-Have Brands: BLK HSTL
I came accross this super cool brand on Instagram and I knew I had to cop!
Something about this line spoke to me. Not only is their clothing hella cute and superb quality, but their branding feels so genuine as they embrace the "hustling and grinding from the black community that goes unregognized. The owner Jade, is the nicest person you will ever meet. I mean how many brands do you know would take the time and write you a personal message wishing you success. If your all about the Hustle
I started to think about what "Hustle" means to me. As a fairly new business owner and newbie blogger, I feel like the word relates to me.
“Hustle can have a negative meaning to some but to me hustle is so much more than a way to get quick cash. It’s a state of mind. For me the “hustle” means taking the not so traditional route and doing something your passionate about; not because you need to but because you want to. I don’t have to continue to be an entrepreneur or blogger, I could go out get a nine to five but I see a bigger picture. I don’t have to stay up late blogging, I want to see my creative outlet successfull. I don’t have to help people live healthier through my business as a health coach, I want to do it and make a difference in people’s lives
What does "Hustle" mean to you?
“Going the extra mile to move from average to extraordinary”
Veronie Anderson, Love Catalyst, Theta healing practitioner and a Health Coach
As a Love Catalyst, Veronie helps single women shift from break up to LOVED UP, so that they can find true love. Veronie Recognizes that many women have given up on love because they have been hurt many times by toxic relationships and traumatic breakups. Veronie knows that everyone deserves love. That is their birthright.
She is passionate about helping women to trust their natural instinct, so that they can feel confident in themselves and ignite Love.
Veronie uses her background in communication, psychology, Theta and Health Coaching to connect with women and guide them from a place of fear and unlimited belief to a place of Love. She provides women with focus and clarity so that they can achieve their goals while feeding their mind, body and soul. Veronie is the mother of a spirited young girl.
www.veronieanderson.com https:// www.facebook.com/veronielovecatalyst/ https://www.instagram.com/veronieanderson_lovecatalyst
“Hustle to me is about using whatever you have to build something that helps others. I’m currently in day 13 of 30 promoting my blog and laying the foundation for PolkadotsNCurls as a platform. I’m setting it up as an affiliate marketing instagram page with product reviews, 1:00 demos and tutorials as well as posts about any and everything that would be uplifting to a community serving women of color. Whenever someone refers to my blog or any place I use affiliate links I receive a commission when they shop. I am making a promise to all of my followers that I will put 10% of my blogs profits into Instagram giveaways for them.
So in short, hustle to me is:
being resourceful. giving value. and building community.
Hi I'm Deja! I am a writer and Public Relations grad who loves to nerd out about natural hair. I spent my first year after college jumping around contracting jobs and figuring out my career like many of us fresh out of school. This lead me to starting my blog PolkadotsNcurls which initially started during the summer but I've been promoting it and growing it the past two weeks! PolkadotsNCurls is my creative platform and expression of what I want to do for a career. I will be funding and growing this platform through affiliate marketing. Everytime someone makes a purchase one of my product links I receive a small commision. I am promising that as long as polkadots and curls exist 10% of all of its profits will go into more giveaways like this. Every like and comment to this page will be like getting a free raffle ticket into the next giveaway.
As I grow you glow. Get it?
To start this off I am doing a $100 natural hair care shopping spree giveaway on my instagram page. Details can be found on my insta feed. www.polkadotsncurls.com https://www.facebook.com/polkadotsncurls/
https://www.instagram.com/polkadotsncurls/ https://twitter.com/Deja_E_H
“To me, hustle means doing what you need to do to get where you want to be despite the obstacles, the naysayers, and the fear. It’s working relentlessly towards your dreams even when others can’t see it or even when you can’t see it yourself but can just feel that it’s going to happen. It’s how you choose to organize and prioritize your life, embracing those things that will work for you and leaving alone those things that don’t serve to help you advance your dreams.
I'm a middle school language arts teacher (17 years) and wife and mom. My blog is www.wordsofabutterfly.com which I created in order to tell my story and to inspire others to live their best life. I also have my own photography business (Natural Soul Photography) and sell Thirty-One Gifts products.
www.wordsofabutterfly.com https://www.facebook.com/wordsofabutterflyblog/