All tagged healing

Journey within; A beginner's guide into shadow work

“The shadow is a psychological term for everything we can’t see in ourselves”

Shadow work means different things to different people. For me, it means looking at the things I may have noticed in myself, or things I haven’t been willing to admit. And also dive deeper

I started this journey about 5 months ago. Being more mindful about my feelings made me start to question them. Like the fact that I don’t like asking for help. Not only did it make me uncomfortable but the act of having to rely on someone else literally gives me anxiety. I always chucked this up to my Capricorn Sun personality.

Top 5: A beginners guide to herbs for wellness

I have always loved seasoning. When I started eating plant-based, I realized, I was barely touching the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of herbs out there! I had no idea the amount of herbs that were out in the world, but now I have a few favorites that I use for cooking, juicing, or boiling (tea). And if I am honest, it was extremely challenging to choose five herbs! There are so many herbs out there to help with all ailments.